Wednesday, April 05, 2006

The babies are coming!

How did it get to be April so quickly? The army of newborns will soon be upon us - and I've only finished one blanket. I've started quite a few - but only one DONE! So I need to work on that! I've been distracted by my new stash of cotton (thanks Joann's for having a kick backside sale!) - 6 new bibs ready to be laundered. There would be more but I've tried to be creative with the stitches AND use the new Vogue Knitting Book - which is already jacketless and scuffed up so that it looks like it's been in use for decades.

We have our big spring Penn State event (Blue White spring football scrimmage) in 2.5 weeks - I had plans to have made some new accessories for Suz and me - but nothing yet. boo hoo.

Oh, and I (finally) figured out that Creative Knitting is not a monthly periodical - every 2 months - how cruel. Can't they test patterns more quickly!

I need to take some more pix of the projects (the fun fur ducklings are really cute!) to share.

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