Thursday, June 08, 2006

Katie loves yarn

I went to the craft store with Katie (and her mom, sister and brother) - the other day and I came home with a bag full of yarn - ALL picked out by Kate. At first she wanted everything on the shelves - then I told her that she could only pick out the stuff with the red "clearance" tags (there were quite a few).

So last night I knitted her a hat made out of one of the yarns - A very simple pattern - but I still need to "sew it up". I said she was my muse.

So I have plenty of yarn - I need to start planning some christmas present projects.

I'm waffling on Suzanne's football sweater - I think I may start over with one of the patterns from my new (to me) Vintage Vogue pattern book - I have my eye on an oversized (perfect for layering) cable sweater with a mock turtleneck - I think it's just what she's looking for (the previously chosen pattern sported a (real) turtleneck - not her style).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Katie loves her hat. Amy loves it more. They are both wearing it as often as possible. To put that into context for those who don't know, it was almost 90 degrees today. Yech.