Monday, February 27, 2006

Throws and woes

Yet again I have fallen victim to NOT purchasing a "buffer" skein of yarn. I'm 1 row and casting off short on the Suede throw and a little disgusted with myself - It's Murphy's knitting law I guess - but you'd think I would have learned by now. So my choices are to "fudge" the one side of the throw or to buy another skein and (again) hope that the colors match up - this case being a little more dire in that they will be knit into each other. Oh bother.

In the wake of this I've finished one of the scarves for my co-worker's daughters - I'm toying with the idea of giving that one and one from my "to be gifted collection" - if I wait much longer, winter will be over.

And I've started baby blanket #1 - it's the pattern from the Creative Knitting magazine - it's supposed to be rippled but it's turning out to be a pretty sharp chevron - Of course I'm using a smaller gauge and needles than the original pattern calls for - but I like it all the same. I started it on Saturday, and made a mistake on the 2nd row (didn't figure it out until row 5, of course) - so I tore it all out; I picked it up again on Sunday evening - I'm now on row 14 and everything is going well. I'm using size 6 needles (132 stitches across) - so it's taking a while to see real "results" - but, as I said above, I like it so far.

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