Tuesday, March 13, 2007

So we got

more yarn - wool, that is. Stop it - it's not too much. We talked with the church ladies and they are anticipating 20 kids, or so for the egg hunt - Not that every kid needs (or, for that matter, wants) a hand knit and felted easter basket - but I already have so many "done" that it seems sad to not have one for each kid, if we can. If there are extras, bully for us.

We didn't get that much yarn, any way. The "commercial" stores are not the best for brightly colored wool - most of it is heathered and earthy - sweater colors, I guess - so there wasn't much to choose from. We got enough for 7 additional baskets. Some pretty "ordinary" purple, royal & light blue and hot pink from Patons "classic wool". Suzanne found the Carons "Felt it" - yarn - especially for felting in verrigated colors - no twisting of the fibers - for a smoother "felt" - very cool. It's quite thick so, instead of using 2 strands of the Felt it, I'm pairing it with a "regular" worsted weight yarn - the color combos are, so far, fun.

The Orange (kool aid) basket is completed - it turned out to be a very ambitious venture - hand dyed yarn featuring bobbles (I LOVE felted bobbles) and top stitched designs - my very own spin on a "bunny" - it turned out good - except that it isn't "centered" - oh well - it's all just a learning experience.

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