Thursday, January 19, 2006

Batting my eyelash

I love eyelash yarn. It is so much fun to work with and I'm tickled by the results. Fun and Fancy Fur from Lion Brand are staples - I've made many a boa for adults and children. I've enjoyed using some of the other brands as well. Paton's Boa (clever), Twister, and so on are also great.

Try knitting some Fun Fur together with a boucle - the effect is so rich.

One of my all time favorite yarns is one that a friend brought back for me from Germany - she brought back 2 skeins of a variegated orange, rust, gold and I knitted it into a scarf. To my delight the effect was a "magic stripe" with bold blocks of each hue. It is a gorgeous scarf and another attention getter - one night at a restaurant a gal came over to ask me if I had knitted it - it started a great conversation! Lion Brand has come out with a striped eyelash - I just got a couple skeins this weekend - I can't wait to try them out!!

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